Upon your arrival in Canada, you will undergo a two-step screening interview process. If all your documents are present and orderly, these interviews should be concluded promptly.
Initial Interview: Official Documentation
In your first interview, a CBSA officer will:
- Welcome you
- Request to review your visa and travel documents
- Verify that you and any accompanying family members possess the necessary travel documents
- Inquire about your health
- Pose questions similar to those found on the immigrant application form, including:
- Are you traveling with your family?
- Have you been convicted of a serious offense in your home country?
- What is your intended duration of stay in Canada?
- How much funds do you have in your possession?
- Are you in good health?
- Have you previously been to Canada? Were you subjected to departure requirements?
Subsequent to the initial interview, you will encounter another CBSA officer. This officer will examine the items you have brought with you. In certain entry points, you might interact with the same officer twice.
Second Interview: Personal Possessions
The second interview involves declaring the possessions you are bringing into Canada. The officer will request to view your declaration card. You must inform the officer that you have come to Canada for the purpose of immigration. The officer might direct you to a different area for customs procedures at this stage.
You are required to provide the officer with a list of the items you are carrying and a list of items that will arrive later. The officer will review both lists with you and might inquire about specific items. Luggage inspection may also take place.
Be prepared to respond to these inquiries:
- What items are you bringing with you to Canada?
- Are there any live animals or plants in your possession?
- Do you possess firearms, ammunition, or fireworks?
- Are you carrying any meat or dairy products?
- Do you have any fresh fruits or vegetables?
- Are there any items from endangered species in your possession?
Ensure accuracy in your responses. Your answers must be truthful, as providing false statements is a serious offense. False statements could result in denial of entry to Canada.
If you are well-prepared and possess no restricted items, the process will proceed swiftly. In the absence of any issues, the officer will endorse your Confirmation of Permanent Residence and grant entry authorization as a permanent resident of Canada.
Initial Interview: Official Documentation
In your first interview, a CBSA officer will:
- Welcome you
- Request to review your visa and travel documents
- Verify that you and any accompanying family members possess the necessary travel documents
- Inquire about your health
- Pose questions similar to those found on the immigrant application form, including:
- Are you traveling with your family?
- Have you been convicted of a serious offense in your home country?
- What is your intended duration of stay in Canada?
- How much funds do you have in your possession?
- Are you in good health?
- Have you previously been to Canada? Were you subjected to departure requirements?
Subsequent to the initial interview, you will encounter another CBSA officer. This officer will examine the items you have brought with you. In certain entry points, you might interact with the same officer twice.
Second Interview: Personal Possessions
The second interview involves declaring the possessions you are bringing into Canada. The officer will request to view your declaration card. You must inform the officer that you have come to Canada for the purpose of immigration. The officer might direct you to a different area for customs procedures at this stage.
You are required to provide the officer with a list of the items you are carrying and a list of items that will arrive later. The officer will review both lists with you and might inquire about specific items. Luggage inspection may also take place.
Be prepared to respond to these inquiries:
- What items are you bringing with you to Canada?
- Are there any live animals or plants in your possession?
- Do you possess firearms, ammunition, or fireworks?
- Are you carrying any meat or dairy products?
- Do you have any fresh fruits or vegetables?
- Are there any items from endangered species in your possession?
Ensure accuracy in your responses. Your answers must be truthful, as providing false statements is a serious offense. False statements could result in denial of entry to Canada.
If you are well-prepared and possess no restricted items, the process will proceed swiftly. In the absence of any issues, the officer will endorse your Confirmation of Permanent Residence and grant entry authorization as a permanent resident of Canada.